Ranger of Shadowdeep

Oh man, it’s a bit late but I wanted to feel like I actually got something done. Here’s my update of what I’ve gotten done in the hobby realm!

– I got my hobby table up and mostly going.

– Model #1 is fully painted!!! My Ranger of Shadowdeep is finished!!!

– Warrior Nation for Wild West Exodus (and my Plainswalkers for Dracula’s America!) about 2/3 of the way built. I have 10 more Hands to build for everything I have ready to prime.

-5th Company! The first 1,000 points has been airbrushed and the bases are done. Today I started the leatherwork and black trim for the first Intercessor squad.

Today, I was working on the leather and black trim on the Marines and when I started, I was really happy with the blue. About the time I took this picture, I was disappointed with the extent of the color. It wasn’t as full and layered as I was hoping. I wanted to us it as an excuse to change project. Decide to switch to my Tau or Orkz or Necrons. But, I’ve put a lot of work lately into the Marines and I at least want this 1,000 points done. If I switch and do a 1,500 of another army, I won’t be heartbroken but there’s a few more things I want to add to the Ultras before they’re done.

Big shout out to my Hobby Brothers, Niko, Eric and Jason. One of them I’ve know for damn near 20 years; the other two are nerds that someday I’ll roll dice and raise a glass with! Thanks for keeping me on focus!



Day 7 and Stormy Weather

Greetings! First week is in the books! With the first week down, let’s take a look at where I am:

-Ultramarines are all built, save the right arm on a dreadnaught. 2/3 of them have been primed and the bases are almost done. Not the best pic but here is a slight conversion for one of the two LTs for the list. I also have the bases almost all done except the skulls.

  • Bane crew for The Batman miniature game is all built. I need to do some touch ups to their bases before I prime them
  • For my Rangers of Shadowdeep Warband, I have the first few models picked out and ready to prime.

Hopefully the weather clears up, we’ve had a cold snap and nasty winds that have made priming outside impossible and my airbrush hood is current unreachable as we’re reorganizing the house.

Thanks for swinging by!



Project Management is fun!

Over the years, I have set goals for projects, resoulations per year and so on. In years past, I usually had a list, vague idea and good intentions.

But, we all know where good intentions lead us too.

So, this year I’m going to take a more direct, hands on approach to my goals for the year. It started as a list, play this many of this, make that and do the thing!!! But, I was looking at it tonight and it wasn’t broken down any further then that. So, I did some play, planning and prepping on programs, widgets and good old post it notes.

I’ve attached three screen shots of the project layout . The first one has, the total number of miniatures painted and total games played. Snuggled between them is Trello but, we will get to that later!

I then have the ‘Center Mass’ of my hobby; building and painting. As I fully completed each one, I can check it off the list!

Next screen shot starts off with gaming goals. For me, this can be the hardest step; getting out! My first goal is to Earn a Vigilius Coin for the Warhammer 40k Campaign. I then have three campaign style games and a demo day.

I next have two individual game trackers; Batman and AOS. Since there not an AoS campaign I know of, I picked individual games to play. I got some Batman figs with a gift card, so I wanna at least get a few games in with them.

Last but not least is my IF/THEN catagory. The first 5 are kickstarter games; two of which are very late. These will get cycles in as they arrive or, if I finish up the other projects first. Then I have some of the GW Boxed Games I want to do followed by some projects I have ideas for but the fire isn’t lit under me yet.

Last but not least is a snippet of my Trello. This is the tracking of miniatures in progress. Each Project will have the type of models or units for anything and everything that needs to be done. Inside that card, building, priming basecoated and final details.

So, here’s to the plan! My first update will be up tomorrow or Monday of what I’ve done so far!



What is the Grimdark Butterfly Effect?

Greetings Adventurers!  Welcome to what will hopefully be a fun journey into the hobby mind of myself.  But, I want this blog to be more about the journey and the goals more then it is about me.

But, to start off, I will tell you a bit about myself before we get into why you are all here.  I am 36 years old, a husband and father of two kids with a dog and cat.  In that aspect, I (in an unexplained way to me at least) the luckiest man alive.  I have a wife who loves and supports my crazy ass tangents, two kids whom are learning the ways to nerdom and geekery, along with a snorty sidekick pug and cat who occasionally likes me.  I spent the better part of my professional life as a geek working the gaming industry, mostly focused on toy soldiers, model kits or man dollies.  I got into the gaming life, with models and role playing games from a very early age.  But, that is enough about me for now….

So, what is this place and moreover, which I am guessing why you are reading, is what does the phrase “Grimdark Butterfly Effect” mean.  We shall start with a look at what the Butterfly Effect is.  I was in 7th grade the first time i herd the phrase, Butterfly Effect.  I was in a bible class, and in a rudimentary way, our teacher explained the bases of the theory, as he learned it from his time as a science teacher.  The dictionary’s definition of the Butterfly Effect is, “The branch of mathematics that deals with complex systems whose behavior is highly sensitive to slight changes in conditions, so that small alterations can give rise to strikingly great consequences.”  At the time, the lesson was for us to do small things, that will lead to the greatest changes.  It struck a cord inside my growing head and stuck there for a long while.

What does the word Grimdark mean?  For most people reading this, they will already know.  Grimdark is a tagline to a game, the game that laid a path out that I followed.  My greatest and closest friends came from my time working for the company that made the game or people I played with.  Like its name would suggest, it is a dark and depressing world with little hope or light.  Heroes fight against insurmountable odds while unspeakable horrors move against humanity!  I was hooked from day 1.  Most importantly, when you put the phrase all together, you get my passion and my life.  What started out as a game, became a passion, that became a job that became a carrier that ended up filling my life with some of the best things.

With all of that out of the way, let me tell you what you will be seeing here.  This blog, will be my way of helping me keep myself on track with my goals for the hobby this year.  I have hobby ADHD or Hobby Butterfly Effect as I tend to jump around a lot.  I can help a friend with ideas for a list and now I want to change armies or worse, add another to my ‘To Do” pile.  In my first post, I will lay out what my goals are this year and how I will track them.  Then, at least once a week I will do an update of what I have been working on, games I have played and things along those lines.

Thank you for reading, please let me know if you have any questions and most of all, enjoy the ride!

